Maybe thanks to these tips you will spend less on shopping

Supermarket items are the basic expense in our basket. They constitute up to 20-30% of monthly expenses. A small change and you can save a few pennies.

Here are some tips on how to save

1. Buy seasonal products

Seasonal products, both fruit and vegetables (in some places also fish), are more available and abundant, and therefore they are obviously cheaper than other products that require special processing or are preserved by more detailed techniques. The simplest example is strawberries, the price of which is high out of season and their quality is worse.

2. Choose the supermarket with the best prices

According to experts, you can save quite a lot by buying only in stores with the best prices in your area or at least in chains with the best price level. So check the best offers.

3. Watch out for “big” offers

Although ‘3 for 2’ offers can be very attractive at first, pay attention to various aspects because they are not always really profitable. Check the price per kilo and the actual price of the products separately.

4. Don’t go on shopping On an empty stomach

Classic! Going hungry for shopping they can become more impulsive because they will be caused only by a whim. As a result, you’ll spend money on things you don’t really need.

5. Make a shopping list

So easy. The traditional way to avoid unnecessary temptations and save money in the basket if you only take what you need and you will have on your shopping list. By the way, you may not buy something you already have at home.

6. Take your own mesh

Reusing bags with every purchase is not only a simple way of caring for the environment, but also you will save those pennies every time you go to the supermarket checkout. And let’s say that the price of disposable bags is constantly rising. Penny to a penny and it will be a little bit.

7. Buy your own products

It is a myth that own brands are worse than well-known brands, has long gone down in history. It even happens that they are better, and sometimes they are even produced by these known brands. And most importantly, they are much cheaper!

8. Ready meals are more expensive

Convenience does not always pay off, so if you have time, it is much more worth cooking your own food than buying a ready dish or partially prepared or frozen food. In addition, you can have more control over what you really eat.

9. Buy loose

A very typical form of shopping in the past, which is becoming more common in today’s stores. A big part of the savings is that you have to take your own container to store the product, which is also praised for taking care of the planet. It’s always a few zlotys less

10. Take the basket instead of the cart

If you are going to buy a few things and take a stroller with so much free space, you will psychologically have to add more products. Therefore, if you take a basket, you will fill it up sooner and you will have the impression that you have already bought enough, because you will not fit anything else.

Pay attention and spend money on other things!

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