2 in 1: Gingerbread cake with cheesecake

CIasto piernikowe z sernikiem anainthekitchen.eu

We wanted to have both gingerbread and cheesecake for Christmas, but we couldn’t eat both cakes. That’s why a 2-in-1 cake was prepared: Gingerbread layered with cheesecake. Delicious cake not only for holidays.



  • 250g of honey100g butter or margarine2 eggs1/2 cup of cream 18%2 cups of flour1/2 teaspoon of baking soda1 teaspoon of baking powder1 tablespoon of cocoa2 tablespoons of gingerbread spice


  • 1000g (1kg) cottage cheese200g of marzipan mass1/2 cup of cream 30%1/2 cup of sugar3 eggs2 tablespoons of potato flour1 teaspoon of almond extract

Additionally:150g dark chocolate, approx. 150ml whipping cream (30%), a jar of plum jam (approx. 300ml)

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C.Melt the butter or margarine in a pot with the honey and let cool.Then beat the mixture with eggs, after a while add the cream.

Sift flour and cocoa into a bowl. Add baking soda, baking powder and gingerbread spice. Mix with wet ingredients.The dough will be thick, put it into a tin of approx. 24x35cm lined with baking paper. Bake for approx. 35 minutes.

Heat the marzipan with the whipping cream in a pot until it melts. Cool.

In a mixer bowl, mix cottage cheese with sugar and potato flour. Then slowly add the eggs. Finally, combine with the marzipan mass and almond extract.
Place the cheese mass into a form similar to that used for gingerbread dough.Bake at 160 degrees C for a minimum of 60 minutes. Place a baking tray (container) with water at the bottom of the oven.Cool both cakes well.Cut the gingerbread into 2 layers.Spread half of the jam on the lower counter, then place the cheesecake on it. Spread the remaining jam on top of the cheesecake and cover with another layer.Place a bowl with chocolate and whipping cream in a pot. Melt the chocolate and add more whipping cream if necessary.

Spread the prepared chocolate icing over the cake and decorate as desired.Enjoy your meal!

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