Food familiar from childhood. A simple way to prepare cauliflower like my mom used to do.

But it’s the simplicity that makes it taste so good.


  • 1 pc of cauliflower
  • 3 eggs
  • bread crumbs
  • oil or lard for frying
  • salt

In a pot, boil water with a teaspoon of salt. Cut the cauliflower into smaller pieces and throw it into boiling water. Cook for about 5 minutes and then strain.

Heat up oil or lard in a frying pan. Beat the eggs in a bowl with a little salt. Put the breadcrumbs in a separate bowl.

Coat each piece of cauliflower in an egg, then in breadcrumbs and put it in the pan.

Fry on each side until golden.

Bon Appetit!

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