A quick and tasty snack, appetizer or dinner. Crispy dough with an aromatic center. It tastes best with garlic or tomato sauce. Ingredients Heat the oil in …

Ana In the Kitchen – cooking, backing
Cooking, baking with passion – moja pasja, przepisy na każdą kieszeń i do zrobienia przez każdego
A quick and tasty snack, appetizer or dinner. Crispy dough with an aromatic center. It tastes best with garlic or tomato sauce. Ingredients Heat the oil in …
Tasty cake with dried fruits and nuts: raisins and nuts. It is easy to make, aromatic and just right for coffee or tea. Ingredients Place the …
Greek cuisine is full of natural flavors and is considered one of the tastiest cuisines in the world. What is Greek cuisine associated with? With olive oil, …
It only takes 15 minutes and an easy Mediterranean white bean salad is filled with fresh vegetables, sprinkled with feta cheese and topped with a …
The spicy creamy feta dressing is perfect for any combination of tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, olives, fresh herbs, but also for e.g. zucchini fritters. It is also …
Greece on your plate. I present juicy, spicy Greek meatballs that taste fantastic. Meatballs are dipped in flour and fried. Keftedes are tastiest when they are …
I had eggplant and minced meat, so I wanted to move to Greece for a while. It is true that this is not a real version …
EASY SAUCE AND THE PERFECT ADDITION TO NAAN BREAD An amazingly healthy recipe for feta with yogurt, garlic and mustard. The perfect addition to salads, Naan …
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