Healthy gluten-free cookies

zdrowe ciastka bez cukru anainthekitchen_eu

I call them ‘free’ cookies, which is my own combination of cookies without gluten, sugar, egg-free, dairy-free and without selected nuts (I couldn’t use almonds or cashews). Anything so that my brother’s two little toddlers could eat.

They don’t look beautiful, but they are really tasty… most importantly, my mother liked them and that means something.

The recipe is a bit tricky, so bake it a little longer if necessary. – if I improve the recipe, I will update it!


  • 8 quail eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
  • a handful of walnuts
  • 10 dates
  • 3 tablespoons of gluten-free spelled flour
  • 4 tablespoons of corn flour
  • 1.5 – 2 tablespoons of potato flour
  • 1 teaspoon of gluten-free baking powder
  • water

Place the dates in a bowl, cover with water and soak for several minutes. After this time, chop it finely or place it in a blender and use it to finely chop or grind it.

Chop the nuts finely.

Place corn flour, gluten-free spelled flour, potato flour and baking powder in a bowl. Add nuts, peanut butter, quail eggs (be careful not to get any small shells), dates and some water.

Knead and add some water if necessary. The dough should be slightly sticky.

Divide the dough into small balls and place them on a baking tray, flattening them slightly, or you can do like I did and line the muffins with the dough, creating a small layer (I have molds in the shape of flowers, hearts and stars, so they look nice.

Bake for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius, but check whether they are properly browned and slightly hard on top. If necessary, bake for another 5 minutes.

After this time, let it cool down. Enjoy your meal!

healthy sugar-free cookies anainthekitchen_eu
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