Roasted goose with oranges and apples

Goose breeding begins in the spring and ends in late autumn. That’s when it’s the best. Hence the proverbial goose for Saint Martin (11 November).

I never started roasting geese myself (my mother always did), but this year I took the risk. I served it in a slightly different way than usual, because with the addition of citrus and a limited amount of spices.

It came out great, so give it a try!


  • whole goose (weight about 3.5 kg)
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 3 tablespoons of oil
  • 1/2 lemon (juice)
  • a tablespoon of salt
  • a teaspoon of pepper
  • rosemary
  • 3 oranges
  • 5 sour apples

Wash, dry, remove feathers and clean the bottom of the goose.

Peel, crush or finely chop the garlic, mix with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper and rosemary.

We grease the goose from outside and inside. Let stand for 12 hours, it can be longer.

Wash and cut the fruit into particles (with the skin, leave one apple whole). We remove the nests of apples and stuff the goose with them. Before sewing, we slide in the whole apple . It will block the stuffing out.

We put the breast in the pan downwards. Cover with oranges and other apples.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees C for about 2.5 hours. 40 min for 1 kg of meat.

After less than an hour, we turn the goose breast up. When baking, pour the fat on the goose.

We serve the goose freely. It goes perfectly with baked fruit, dumplings and red cabbage.

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  1. Hey very interesting blog!

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