Breaded eggplant with the addition of cheese

Another option for the use of eggplant. Tasty, filling, but also high in calories. The taste is slightly reminiscent of fried fish 😀


3 servings

  • 2 eggplants
  • 3-5 slices of cheese
  • 3 slices of ham (e.g. Spanish Serrano)
  • 2 eggs
  • bread crumbs
  • flour (for breading)
  • salt and pepper
  • oil or lard for frying
  • for serving: arugula or other lettuce, tomato, Parmesan

Wash the eggplant thoroughly. We cut lengthwise into slices. We put two pieces together.

Put a slice of cheese and a piece of ham on a slice of eggplant. We cover with the second slice of eggplant.

Put the flour in one bowl, beat the egg with salt and pepper in the other, and the breadcrumbs in the third.

Coat a portion of eggplant stuffed with cheese and ham in flour, then in egg and finally in breadcrumbs. We do this with each serving.

Fry in oil or lard until golden brown on each side.

You can serve with lettuce, such as arugula, fresh eggplant, and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

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