10 interesting facts about Spanish cuisine

here is much more to Spanish food than just ‘jamon serrano’ and paella. When people visit Spain they only try the most typical dishes and it boasts of it, but they miss a lot 

Discover the 10 most interesting facts about Spanish food:

1.  Olive oil is king

Spain is the leader when it comes to olive oil production. It has about  44% of olive oil in the world  and is by far the most important producer in this field. For the same reason, locals cannot deny that olive oil is the most essential ingredient in their kitchen.

Paella, croquettes / croquettes, Spanish omelette … all these famous dishes are  always made with olive oil , and although it may not be needed, Spaniards prefer to use it. 

2. Underestimated Fuet

One of those fun facts about Spanish food has to do with fuetas. Spaniards love fuel, so there are a million ads saying how much  spaniards need fuel  in their diet, but… Tourists never appreciate it!

Whenever you’ve heard of Spanish food, people mention: Spanish omelette, Jamon Serrano, paella… but they never mention fuel, and that’s the reason  why it hasn’t become so popular . However, any person who tries fueta will eventually love it (remember these words).

3. Complicated vegetarian diet

The Spaniards may not admit it, but  they are meat lovers  and they really make a vegetarian diet difficult. Morcilla, jamón, fuet, chorizo, seafood / chicken paella, octopus … these are just a few of the countless fish or chicken dishes based on these ingredients.

However, if you are a vegetarian, I recommend trying the  Spanish omelette  and of course the  mushroom croquettes.

4. Spanish vineyards produce the best wines

It would be unfair to say that Spanish wines are the best because it is a matter of taste as we also know Italian and French wines. One thing we can say for sure is that Spain is a  champion in terms of area occupied by vineyards . It owns 15.55% of the total.

Sherry and Rioja  are by far two of the best wines in Spain… Try it!

5.  Origin of the fish and chips

Almost everyone in the world knows about the famous Fish and Chips … but we rather associate it with Great Britain. You can’t visit this country and not try it, they literally wouldn’t let you!

Well, although this dish is very popular there, its origin is from the Iberian Peninsula and especially from southern Spain. Historians say the British were  inspired by the authentic “Pescaito Frito”  from Andalusia.

6. The  Spaniards imported many food products into Europe

One of the most interesting facts about Spanish food is that the Spaniards introduced many dishes to Europe after they “discovered” America. Potatoes, tomatoes, cocoa  are just a few examples, but there are many more.

Moreover, the Spanish omelette was made  only after Columbus  returned   from America, because they needed potatoes to make it.

After using these ingredients and foods in their own recipes, the rest of  Europeans began to do the same.

7. The  Spaniards have a strange eating schedule

When you talk about “Spanish Curiosities”, don’t forget their meal schedule. Spaniards eat very late  and you may think they spend all day eating.

Their lunchtime doesn’t start until 2:00 PM or 3:00 PM, and in most countries it doesn’t start at 12:00 PM. The same thing happens at dinner,  they start at 21:00 . In the summer months, they do it even later.

8.  Spanish bars are everywhere

One of the coolest facts about Spanish cuisine is that Spain is ranked second in the top 10  cities with the most bars in the world : Madrid and Barcelona.

Literally  in Madrid, you  will find a new  bar every two steps ! People go to bars and restaurants at any time of the day, whether it’s early in the morning for coffee or very late at night.

This is probably also related to the large tourist load in Barcelona and Madrid.

9.  The best country to buy saffron

Did you know that about  three-quarters of the world’s  saffron is grown in Spain? This is probably the reason why Spaniards use it so often, especially for rice and paella’s signature dish.  

Saffron is usually very expensive in most countries, so we recommend that you buy it if you ever visit Spain, right where it’s  much cheaper.

10. The seafood paella is not authentic

To conclude my list of the top 10 food facts in Spain, I must mention the popular paella. Tourists love seafood paella because it is usually eaten in an area close to the ocean, and it’s delicious! Well the truth is the seafood paella is not original, the  first paella was made from rabbit, chicken or pork . You can still eat it like this, don’t worry, no one will judge you!

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