Cookies with bananas

Cookies for coffee or tea, but also as a tasty snack during the day.

By the way, you can use the excess bananas in the refrigerator.


approx. 20 pcs

  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 100g of fine sugar
  • 150g of wheat flour
  • 100g oat flakes (fine)
  • 2 spoons of baking powder
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar
  • 50g of chopped chocolate or chocolate particles
  • 50g of ground almonds
  • 150ml of sunflower oil
  • 50ml plant milk (almond)

Peel the bananas and mash them thoroughly with a fork. We should have around 75 / 80g of bananas.

Combine sugar, flour, oatmeal, baking powder, salt and vanilla sugar in a bowl.

Chop the chocolate or use ready-made chocolate particles, add with the ground almonds to the dry ingredients.

Add bananas, oil and milk and knead thoroughly. It should be a bit oily, sticky.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C.

Form balls of the dough, place them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and flatten them slightly.

Bake for 10-12 minutes until golden brown. Then remove from the sheet and set aside to cool.

Enjoy your meal!

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