Heavenly cookies – creamy coconut cookies

A recipe that came out by accident. There were supposed to be coconut pralines, and it ended up with coconuts cookies with a rather specific taste.

Tasty, creamy, and soft. Perfect for coffee.


  • 200g of shredded coconut
  • 100ml of 30% cream
  • 50g of powdered sugar
  • 30g of condensed milk (from the tube)
  • 70g of butter
  • lemon flavor
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 2 egg whites

In a saucepan, melt the butter with the addition of cream and condensed milk. We mix.

Put coconut, powdered sugar, a few drops of lemon aroma and lemon juice in a bowl . Add melted butter and mix.

Let it cool down.

Whip the egg whites in a separate bowl with a pinch of salt until stiff.

Add a spoonful of prepared coconut with butter and cream to the whipped egg whites. We mix to combine.

Put out cookies from one tablespoon of coconut.

Put in an oven preheated to 170 degrees C and bake for about 10 – 12 minutes until golden brown. We cool it down.

Enjoy your meal!

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