Ketchup with zucchini


I present a recipe for ketchup z cukinii which I tested and modified under myself.It is less sweet, because in the original approximately 0.5 kg of sugar was consumed per serving. I tried it and it was definitely too sweet despite the addition of chili. As a person addicted to ketchup, I’m delighted with it and now I do not plan to buy another one.



  • 1.5  kg of  zucchini
  • 0.5  kg of  onions
  • 1  teaspoon of  pepper
  • 0.2  kg of  sugar
  • 1  teaspoon of  sweet pepper
  • 1  teaspoon of  hot pepper
  • 400  g  tomato concentrate
  • 1  Glass of  vinegar of 6%  (or 10% vinegar 0,5szkl)
  •  salt
  •  chilli pepper  (optional)

We cut the zucchini and onion into cubes. Sprinkle with a handful of salt and leave it for 6 hours We add sugar to the vegetables. Cook for 20 minutes, making sure it does not burn Add the concentrate and vinegar, season with paprika and chilli pepper and pepper. Boil and then mix. Hot Kechup pour into jars, turn off and leave to cool. 


* with chilli pepper carefully

** the original recipe was 0.5kg of sugar, but it was definitely too sweet

*** supposedly you do not have to pasteurize, but I did so with a few jars and nothing happens to them

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