Anainthekitchen - tiramisu, deser idealny


In ancient times Italian grandmothers prepared dessert, which today could be called poor, but at that time it was really rich!

Even today, the traditional recipe is unchanged, just break down a very fresh egg in a glass and beat it with sugar, plus coffee or warm milk for the little ones, as well as alcohol or anise for older children. And it is from this ominous cream that tiramisu based on mascarpone cream is born. Italian dessert, the best known and liked, gave life to many other versions!


Most appreciated? Certainly strawberry tiramisu or nutella flavors, but you can exchange and exchange! 
Although the origin of this famous dessert is not clear, because disputes between the regions of Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Piemonte and Tuscany still exist, the basis of the version is unchangeable from north to south.

And how to prepare one of the best tiramisu? I present a traditional recipe for this miracle!


  • 300  g  biscuit
  • 220  g  eggs  ( about 4)
  • 500  g  mascarpone
  • 100  g of  sugar
  • 300  g of  bitter cocoa
  •  cooled coffee  (can be sweetened)

To prepare tiramisu we start with eggs (very fresh): carefully separate the proteins from the yolks, remembering that in the proteins there was no trace of yolks. Then, beat the yolks with a robot, adding only half of the sugar.

 When the mixture becomes clear and foamy, you can gradually add mascarpone with the mixer still running. After adding all the cheese you will get a thick and compact cream; set it aside. Clean the beaters thoroughly, and then whip egg whites adding the remaining sugar, but a little bit. Whip the egg whites until you get the result that they will not move if you turn the bowl over. We take a tablespoon of protein and pour into a bowl with egg yolks and sugar and stir well with a spatula to dilute the mixture. Then add the remaining part of the protein, slowly, each time gently stirring from top to bottom. After preparation, spread a generous amount of a tablespoon of mass on the bottom of a 30 × 20 cm baking dish and spread it well. Then soak for a few moments biscuits in cold coffee, which can be sweetened to taste (I do not add), from both sides We arrange biscuits in one direction on the mass as the first layer. Next, put out a portion of the mass and repeat the act with biscuits. I repeat the action again. We level the last layer and sprinkle it with bitter cocoa. We put away until hardened in the fridge for several hours. Your tiramisu is ready! 


* You can store the tiramisu for a few days in the fridge.

** You can freeze for about 2 weeks in the freezer.

*** You can add grated chocolate if you like


The origins of Tiramisu are very uncertain, because every region would like to “invent” this delicacy: for this reason disputes arose between Tuscany, Piedmont, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto. There are many legends associated with this dessert, which has been named even aphrodisiac.

The official version includes the birth of tiramisu in the seventeenth century in Siena. Some confectioners, in connection with the arrival of the Grand Duke of Tuscany Cosimo de Medici, decided to prepare a dessert in his honor. So they decided that the dessert must reflect the personality of the Grand Duke: it must therefore be an important and tasty dessert, but at the same time prepared from simple ingredients. Importantly, it must be extremely sweet, because Cosimo literally loved sweets.

That’s how our Tiramisu was created, which at that time was called “zuppa del duca” in honor of Cosimo de Medici. He took a recipe with him to Florence, thanks to which he became known all over Italy. The legend also says that zuppa del duca became the favorite dessert of the nobility, which recognized it as an aphrodisiac with exciting properties: hence the name Tiramisù.

The unofficial version says that Tiramisu came up with a confectioner from Turin in honor of Camillo Benso Cavour, to support him in his difficult task of unifying Italy. Even Veneto has its own version: it seems to them that tiramisu was invented in the restaurant “El Toulà” in Treviso.

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