Sweet and salty, crispy meringues

Cookies that really surprised us. The salty flavor mixes with the sweet flavor, causing the flavors to explode.

The delicacy of meringues is mixed with peanuts, which make them crunchy, but also incredibly tasty.


about 20-25 pieces

  • 2 egg whites
  • 100 g of fine sugar
  • 80 g chopped salty peanuts
  • 80g of dark chocolate
  • pinch of salt

Finely chop the peanuts, and so does the chocolate. (preferably with a robot)

Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until perfectly stiff.

Then slowly add sugar, continue whisking until you get a shiny meringue, it will take a few minutes. Turn off the mixer.

Turn on the oven to 110 degrees C.

Add chopped nuts and chocolate to the meringue, slowly stir with a spatula from bottom to top until combined.

Put baking paper on the baking sheet. Stack the meringues with a spoon. 1 tablespoon = 1 meringue.

Bake at 110 degrees C for about 1 hour 20 minutes.

Let cool on the baking tray!

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