A simple dessert with three flavors

A fruit dessert that does not require a lot of work and will be perfect if you need to prepare something quickly. In this case, I used strawberries and mangoes, but you can definitely replace them with other fruits.


for 6 people

  • 200g of strawberries
  • 1 medium mango
  • 200ml of heavy cream 30%
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar
  • a few blueberries for decoration

Wash the fruit thoroughly.

Peel the mango and cut into pieces. We put in a tall container with 1 tablespoon of honey. We blend thoroughly. We arrange in six bowls.

Put the peeled strawberries, a spoonful of honey into a tall container and mix as well. We put it aside.

In a bowl, mix the heavy cream with powdered sugar. It should be stiff.

Put the whipped cream into the bowls for the mango mousse. The whole thing is covered with strawberry mousse.

Decorate with blueberries and, for example, mint.

Bon Appetit!

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