Stuffed Portobello

A simple, effective and tasty appetizer . We can also treat such a dish as a dinner. You only need a pan for this!

Portobello mushrooms are perfect for stuffing because they have large caps.


for 3 people

  • 3 Portobello Mushrooms
  • 1/4 of the red paprika
  • 3 dried tomatoes with pickle
  • 2 slices of salami
  • 3 slices of cheddar cheese
  • 3 slices of cheese
  • soy sauce
  • sriracha
  • salt and pepper
  • parmesan (to serve)
  • salad (to be served)

Wash and dry the mushrooms. Place it upside down on the plate.

Cut the paprika and sun-dried tomatoes into small pieces. We put pieces of salami, paprika and dried tomatoes inside each mushroom.

Pour a teaspoon of soy sauce over each mushroom, a few drops (2-3) of sriracha sauce, pepper and salt. Cover everything with pieces of cheddar cheese and other yellow cheese.

Place the mushrooms on a hot, deep pan lightly covered with olive oil. Cover and bake for about 8 minutes. The cheese should be melted and chewy.

Put the salad on a plate, a few drops of soy sauce and sriracha to add flavor. Put the mushrooms next to it, trying not to spill the sauce that has formed inside.

We serve and enjoy!

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