Can you make a tasty dinner at a low price? In addition, perfect for Sunday? 

You can. Tasty and fast, cheap. Chicken batons in onions, a light sauce is the perfect solution that everyone will enjoy. 




  • 8  pcs  sticks with chicken
  • 2  pcs of  onions
  • 1  clove of  garlic
  •  hot red pepper
  •  salt and pepper
  •  clarified butter
  •  parsley  (can be dried)
  •  colorful pepper

Drain the clarified butter (or lard) in a pan. Fry each chicken drumstick with pepper and salt and remove from the pan. Pour the diced onion and chopped garlic on the pan. Fry. Put the chicken back on the onion. Add a glass of water and a colorful pepper with a piece of hot pepper. Cover with a lid and cook for 30 minutes turning the chicken and stirring the onion every now and then. At the end, pour some parsley. Seasoning to taste. Take off the lid and evaporate some water to get a thicker sauce. Enjoy your meal!


  • 8 pcs chicken sticks
  • 2 pcs onions
  • 1 clove garlic
  • hot red pepper
  • salt and pepper
  • clarified butter
  • parsley ((can be dried)))
  • colorful pepper
  1. Drain the clarified butter (or lard) in a pan. Fry each chicken drumstick with pepper and salt and remove from the pan.
  2. Pour the diced onion and chopped garlic on the pan. Fry.
  3. Put the chicken back on the onion. Add a glass of water and a colorful pepper with a piece of hot pepper.
  4. Cover with a lid and cook for 30 minutes turning the chicken and stirring the onion every now and then.
  5. At the end, pour some parsley. Seasoning to taste.
  6. Take off the lid and evaporate some water to get a thicker sauce.
  7. Enjoy your meal!

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